The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale: 8 Ways It Can Avoid Sucking

4. Terminus Cannot Be An Actual Safe Haven

Alright, raise your hands if you thought Terminus was actually going to be a no-strings-attached safe haven! I hope no one raised their hands, for that would reveal baffling ignorance about the tone of the show (that or impressively blind optimism). Not only would revealing Terminus to be essentially a new and more welcoming version of the Prison be repetitive, it would be extremely anticlimactic. As much as we'd love to see these characters find a place to genuinely relax and take a breather from the lonely nightmare they've been experiencing post-Prison, we know that can't happen. Also, it isn't a huge spoiler to look up what the name "Terminus" actually means: "The end or final point of something". This is the kind of cryptic naming that can sound optimistic on one hand ("We don't have to wander anymore! Our journey ends here!") to pessimistic on the other ("We will die here €“ this is where our journey will end.") Knowing the show, the odds are more in the favour of the second one camp. And it is hard to overlook just how similar "Terminus" sounds to "Terminal" €“ as in terminal illness, not airport terminal. Most likely the people who kidnapped Beth have some connection to Terminus, otherwise they would have been explained prior to the season finale of the show.

Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.