The Walking Dead: What's Next Carol?

1. Carol The Vengeful

Walking Dead Carol Peletier Carol didn't seem all that surprised when Rick told her she wouldn't be allowed back inside the prison. She drove away pretty calmly all things considered but what if after time she started to get pissed off and decided to get her own back on the people she feels have wronged her? If not that then what if she finds herself in trouble and is given a helping hand by The Governor? Could her former enemy talk her into joining him in his plan for revenge on the survivors holding up in the prison? Remember the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend? That could be quite fitting in this situation and would hopefully guarantee Carol isn't bowing out of the show any time soon. Turning Carol against the group could also bring her relationship with Darrell full circle, perhaps he could be the one who helps her see the error of her ways or puts an end to her once and for all in a highly emotional moment that would tear out the show's fans hearts once and for all.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.