WandaVision: 10 Things We Need To See

2. Vision's Memory Returning

WandaVision Vision Halloween
Marvel Studios

You can't really have a show like this without having Vision being a key talking point. For anyone even close to being in the know, the idea that Paul Bettany's lovable android is even still alive is enough to cause concern for what's happening. After the last episode though, things are getting a bit interesting now that Vision has been getting a little bit more awareness.

Towards the end of Episode 5, Vision has been able to put the pieces together as to what's been going on. Just before Quicksilver steals the show at the end of the episode, Vision's ongoing arguments with Wanda have led to him slowly coming to grips with how reality really is. Though he still manages to play up his more bumbling father persona, this marks a turning point in the show where it could be make or break for Vision.

Instead of just disagreeing with Wanda, it's going to be interesting to see how his fate is going to play out in the next few episodes. On one hand, Wanda could simply cease his existence if she wanted to, seeing how she resurrected him from the beginning. Then again, this might be a sign that Vision can fully return, since Bruce Banner had said that Vision is more than just the Stone way back in Infinity War.

No matter what happens, the chances of this being a happy ending is not really guaranteed for Vision anymore.


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