WandaVision Episode 5 Theories: 5 Biggest Talking Points

4. Wanda IS Using Vision's Corpse

wandavision 5
Marvel Studios

After many theories about how Wanda has resurrected her husband, we seemingly get a reveal in this episode. She stole his corpse.

S.W.O.R.D. Director, Tyler Hayward, displays footage from inside a S.W.O.R.D. base of Wanda breaking in and stealing Vision's body. Maximoff is literally using Vision's body in her own reality to keep him alive.

Whether she is puppeteering his corpse around Westview, or she has genuinely been able to bring him back to life, one thing is clear: Vision is alive again, in one way or another. It seems as though she changes the reality of everything that enters her bubble, such as Monica Rambeau's clothes or a surveillance drone.

If Vision's body has been brought back to life by Wanda, would he be able to exit Westview? Or would he return to his original state, which is not ideal for the synthezoid.

This plot point is a much darker one than we have come to expect from the MCU in the past but it is one which drives WandaVision directly forward and begins to show us what to expect from Phase Four and beyond.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.