What The Bob's Burgers Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

4. Kristen Schaal (Louise Belcher)

Bob's Burgers Voice Actors

Louise is easily one of the funniest characters in the show as, despite her adorable bunny ears and quirky voice, she's a diabolical evil genius. When it came to casting this role, the creators needed someone funny, experienced and talented, who also sounded like a nine-year-old girl, so who better than Kristen Schaal?

Schaal is a widely successful actor who you've definitely crossed paths with at some point. Her distinctive voice and hilarious acting skills have made her a highlight in almost everything she's a part of, even if the project is terrible. Her list of hits is never-ending, but here are some highlights; Mabel Pines - Gravity Falls, Trixie - Toy Story 3, Kelly - Bill & Ted Face The Music, Barb - Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs and Sarah Lynn - Bojack Horseman.

You get a lot of bang for your buck with this performer, and while she certainly has a youthful look, her voice is quite far removed from her aesthetic.

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Bob's Burgers
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