What The Futurama Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

5. Phil LaMarr (Hermes Conrad)

Billy West Futurama

Not only is Phil LaMarr the voice behind everyone's favourite Jamaican bureaucrat, he has brought to life smaller characters throughout the years like Ethan 'Bubblegum' Tate, and Hermes' son, Dwight. As well as voicing Samurai Jack for 16 years, LaMarr is also the man behind Ollie Williams, Family Guy's legendary weatherman.

The actor also has a lot of experience in the superhero world, both animated and in live action, lending his voice to Harley Quinn, The Flash, and various Marvel cartoons as Dormammu, as well as portraying Malefic J'onzz in Supergirl.

Though his voice is what has given him the majority of his work over the years, along with David Herman he was one of the original eight on MADtv, and even appeared in Pulp Fiction as Marvin, way back in 1994.

LaMarr is set to be a part of a mini Futurama reunion of sorts, as he will star along side Tom Kenny and Maurice LaMarche in Viktor Lakisov's animated take of The Adventures of Pinocchio.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.