What Your Favourite Friends Character Says About You

2. Chandler

Giphy You€™re the funny guy in the group. Although your jokes are admittedly a defence mechanism because everything just seems to go wrong for you. Your bitter sense of humour might land you in trouble from time to time, but you€™d rather laugh off a situation then get all depressed about it. Commitment terrifies the living daylights out of you in all aspects. It stops you from trying to hard in your job and applying for a better one. It stops you from getting serious is relationships. If this is you then don€™t worry. Like Chandler, you€™ll grow up in your own time and learn to fight your fear of failure, which will make you take more of those risks you try so hard to avoid. Although you may poke fun at your friends, they know underneath all that just how caring you are. They know whenever you need them you€™ll drop everything to help them out. You€™ll even wear blue lipstick or live in a box to prove how much they mean to you.
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Freelance Writer from the North East of England. Passion for Film + TV, Music, and general trivia. Check out my articles to find your next conversation starter! Life motto: Everything will be alright in the end...if it's not alright it's not the end!