Workaholics: 5 Reasons It Should Rock UK TV

2. The Main Characters

Wor1 Now we reach the main reason to watch the show. The titular Workaholics (see above left to right): Anders Holmvik, Adam DeMamp and Blake Henderson. Anders is the most mature of the three characters and sees himself as able to adapt more successfully to adult situations. Although he is the only one who vaguely understands concepts such as rent and retirement plans, he frequently proves that he is just as immature as his friends. Ders, as he is known by Adam and Blake is the only one of them with any ambitions to advance within Telamericorp and become a respected executive. Blake is the ultimate slacker with no ambition and a desire to simply hang out with his friends and have a good time. Even the minimal responsibility he has at work manage to stress him out. He is good friends with their drug dealer Karl and generally lets him have free rein of their house. This laid-back, caring attitude gives him the least flawed personality of the three characters, but also makes him a self proclaimed pushover. Adam is a self absorbed bro with a love for working out and talking about his body. He frequently brags that he has slept with over five women and likes all attention to be focused on him. He is also impulsive and reckless when it comes to his own safety, frequently putting himself in danger for the sake of having a good time. Despite all these childlike attributes, he does care for his friends and will happily put himself in harm's way to help them. It's a good mix of well-rounded characters €“ a vital ingredient if you want your comedy to endure beyond opening shock value.
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A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson