You'll Never Be Able To Name 100% Of These American Horror Story Characters
Let's find out if you're an American Horror Story superfan!

After nine incredible seasons - with a highly-anticipated tenth season on the horizon - American Horror Story has rarely failed in giving its fans incredible stories, plenty of gore and enough startling jumps that it would be a health hazard to have a hold of anything hot while watching it.
We've seen some legendary performances from a who's who of actors and actresses, all helping bring to life some truly frightening and disturbing characters for our own enjoyment. From disturbing clowns that will haunt your dreams for the remainder of your life to impressive, yet frightening portrayal of some of history's most sadistic serial killers, AHS has always done a fantastic job of scaring the absolute crap out of us.
The AHS fanbase are very dedicated and take pride in knowing everything there is to know about the show, plots, characters and so much more. That's why we've created this quiz so we can separate the real AHS fans from the ones who just claim to be big fans of the show.
Do you think you've got what it takes to remember all these characters? Let's find out...
Answers at the end!