You'll Never Get 100% On This Big Bang Theory Quotes Quiz!

Do you know who said which of these memorable quotes?

Sheldon Big Bang Theory

One of the most popular shows to break out into mainstream television over the past decade was The Big Bang Theory. The story of four socially awkward nerds trying to make it through life to hilarious comedic effect rose to fame with alarming speed.

A very strong attribute that contributed to the rise to fame for the show was the ease in which people could relate to characters. We all have that part of ourselves inside that is a little insecure, awkward and down right nerdy when it comes to things we are passionate about. For the guys in the show it just happens to be Science and Science Fiction.

The chemistry between Sheldon, Howard, Raj and Leonard was strong from the get go. When the addition of female characters into their personal lives to confuse and fluster them happened, the quality and comedy for the show changed but improved quite strongly.

How well did you study along with them? Can you identify who said the following quotes?

Answers at the end!

1. "Well, Today We Tried Masturbating For Money."


Kurt Howes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.