You'll Never Get 100% On This Breaking Bad Quiz!

How well do you know the rise and fall of the Walter White Meth Empire?

Breaking bad

Usually when watching a movie or a television series, your sense of morality is quite obvious. In Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings it's generally quite clear who is the bad guy and who you should root for. Sometimes we find it isn't quite as black and white as that though, and a good example of this is AMC's groundbreaking show, Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad follows the story of Bryan Cranston as the loveable and initially harmless father and teacher Walter White discovering his terminal cancer and turning to drug manufacturing to provide for his family. This is where blurred lines start to form as we stop believing in good and bad and start to question how wrong it really is and whether or not the actions are justified, if going to a selfless and charitable cause. For a while, anyway.

It can even result in a role reverse where the audience views the good guys as the villains and vice versa.

All motives aside, Breaking Bad has been one of the most popular television shows of the decade. How much of a fan do you consider yourself to be? Bet you'll never get 100% on this Breaking Bad Quiz!

Answers are at the end!

1. What Stage Cancer Is Walter Diagnosed With?






Kurt Howes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.