You'll Never Get 100% On This Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Quiz

Good questions require sharp answers.


In the carnage filled world of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, anything can happen and more times than not everything happens. The narrative of FMA: Brotherhood is so rich and comprehensive that it's possible the human mind was definitely not designed to retain that amount of information.

The fluid style of storytelling employed by Brotherhood has been unmatched since its inception, which may be hard to believe. Despite the property's existence ageing, it is in absolutely no way in danger of fading and that's not solely because of its prolific chronicling of events, but because of the endearment and timelessness of the characters.

The characters have come to be known as household names (albeit predominantly in Japan). Their personalities are beloved, their lines will remain easily quotable and above all else, the mark they've left through how their various actions affect the world around them, is nothing short of influential. Let's see if they've left enough of a mark on you.

Only a true fan of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood can even come close to scoring 100% on this quiz!

Answers at the end!

1. How Many Filler Episodes Of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Were There?






My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: