You'll Never Get 100% On This Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
How well do you know Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hawk and the rest of the gang?
![The Seven Deadly Sins](
The Seven Deadly Sins is a real guilty pleasure in the anime community, as its typical Shonen tropes make it a very bog-standard affair, but the wealth of fun characters, bright visuals and goofy comedy help the series to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Those who love and adore this show know that it is densely packed with lore and information, therefore becoming a master of Seven Deadly Sins knowledge is no easy feat.
There are plenty of magical races, evil-doers, organisations and settings across the land of Britannia that make each episode and arc an entirely different experience. Thanks to that, there's tonnes of trivia that you might have missed or certain points that you can't quite remember. However, the most eagle-eyed of fans can recall all of this information, so where do you stand?
Grab your Sacred Treasure, and enable your Inherent Power - which hopefully for you is information retention - and test yourself out to see how much you truly know about this incredibly popular and influential anime series.
This quiz will contain some spoilers.