10 Doctor Who Easter Eggs Only Hardcore Fans Spotted

7. Crew Member Cameo (The God Complex)

Doctor Who Gridlock Bad Wolf easter egg
BBC Studios

In The God Complex, our heroes find themselves trapped in a hotel that definitely has a low rating on TripAdvisor.

Its walls are adorned with framed pictures, each one representing one of the Minotaur’s victims. Underneath each picture is a caption detailing the victim’s name, and their greatest fear.

Among these unlucky individuals is the grinning face of Royston Luke Gold (whose greatest fear is Plymouth) which actually belongs to Marcus Wilson – one of the show’s producers at the time.

This wasn't the first or last time crew members have appeared onscreen, with contributors from across the production team stepping in to play the so-called Morbius Doctors in 1976's The Brain of Morbius.

More recently, in 2013’s The Bells of Saint John, the Spoonheads’ victims in the opening scene were played by various people associated with the show – including none other than RTD2 script editor Scott Handcock, who, at the time, had worked on the show as a production secretary.

Doctor Who The Bells of Saint John Scott Handcock cameo
BBC Studios

These cameos are incredibly niche, but for those in the know, they’re neat little inclusions that give those behind-the-camera a well-deserved moment in the spotlight!

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