10 Real Things That Prove Doctor Who Exists

4. Sunset At Montmajour

Doctor Who Amy and Rory Consolation Raphael Soyer
Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent and the Doctor features the TARDIS crew teaming up with Vincent van Gogh to battle an invisible creature, and to convince the legendary painter that his work was actually worth something.

Vincent would turn up later in the series, painting an image of the TARDIS exploding which predicted that this very same monumental event was to come. And as it turns out, the famous artist might have made allusions to the Doctor's faithful transport in his real-life work too.

In Sunset at Montmajour, a beautiful landscape from 1888, Van Gogh depicts a natural scene, complete with trees, a glowing sky, and a strange blue rectangle in the distance – a rectangle that looks oddly TARDIS-shaped at a glance.

This building is actually Montmajour Abbey, but what if Vincent's adventure with the Doctor somehow, subconsciously, bled into the way he chose to paint it? There's no denying that it's a similar shade to the TARDIS, and it's even got the light on top.

It's heartwarming to imagine Vincent actually having an adventure with the Doctor. Maybe he did get to visit that art gallery after all.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.