10 Real Things That Prove Doctor Who Exists

2. Amy And Rory In 1959

Doctor Who Amy and Rory Consolation Raphael Soyer
Raphael Soyer

The Weeping Angels were all too real for Amy and Rory Pond, who were zapped back in time by the stone assassins in The Angels Take Manhattan.

The Ponds were sent back to 1938 when they were in their early 20s, which would have put them somewhere in their 40s in 1959. Why is that important? Well, because of this painting.

Created by Russian-American artist Raphael Soyer, Consolation depicts a man sat on a chair cradling a standing woman. It's an incredibly intimate piece – one worthy of two lovers, perhaps?

The male figure's face is a little distorted, but he looks exactly like everyone's favourite plastic Roman. As for the woman, she's the spitting image of Amy Pond: red hair, round face, pale skin, the works.

Soyer was known for painting everyday New Yorkers and he spent a lot of time in the city around the same period that Amy and Rory lived there. Even the name 'Consolation' sounds like the perfect word to sum up the Ponds' journey: star-crossed lovers who've seen the universe.

Perhaps Soyer was taken by the pair's devotion to one another, or maybe this was the Ponds' way of winking at the Doctor, planting themselves in the history books just as he did for them in The Impossible Astronaut.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.