10 Times Doctor Who Knew EXACTLY What You Were Thinking

9. The Man Who Dies And Dies Again

Doctor Who The Day of the Doctor
BBC Studios

For those not familiar with South Park, Kenny is a character who gets killed off and then brought back to life (with little or no explanation) constantly.

Doctor Who has one of those characters too. His name is Rory Pond.

Amy's beloved husband died (or appeared to die) countless times during his stint on the show. He was gassed by an alien pensioner, shot by a lizard, fell off a pirate ship and drowned, and turned into a dusty old corpse in one of House's twisted games.

It became a running joke quite quickly - a running joke that the makers of the show were well aware of.

In Night Terrors, Rory himself complains "We're dead. AGAIN!" after him and Amy have a run-in with a dodgy elevator. In The Wedding of River Song, the Silence call him "The man who dies and dies again", and in The Angels Take Manhattan, Rory again pokes fun at his habit of resurrection while preparing to jump off a roof.

Amy asks him if he's sure he'll survive, and he replies "When don't I?"

Not only does this fit the internal logic of the moment, it's also a laugh-out-loud joke to anyone aware of this ongoing trend.

In a cruel twist of fate, this is the episode where the Ponds both get taken by the Angels - the one death Rory couldn't get himself out of.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.