Doctor Who: 20 Things You Didn't Know About The Angels Take Manhattan
3. It Has A Sequel
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Whovians around the world came together to watch old episodes of the show.
To coincide with a screening of The Doctor's Wife, a short film was produced called Rory's Story. Written by Neil Gaiman, it featured Mr. Pond talking to his soon-to-be-adopted son, Anthony, from 1946.
He's filming himself on a smartphone he'd carried from the future. Just don't think about how he would've charged it.
Rory recounts several of his and Amy's adventures – including how they ended up in the past – before his wife calls for him to come help paint the baby's room.
It was lovely to check in on the Ponds after so many years away, especially during those gloomy pandemic times.