10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again

5. Setting Fire To Dummies

WWE Network

There's a unique buzz that comes from seeing Bray Wyatt's dramatic, OTT set pieces. His 'Firefly Fun House' weirdness with John Cena at 'Mania 36 undoubtedly hit, and his impish charm was evident during the 'Firefly Inferno' brawl with Randy Orton at TLC.

It's just a shame that WWE killed the drama by accidentally revealing that Randy was actually setting fire to an already-destroyed dummy. Don't believe it? Just check this out. It exposes that Bray's body had been replaced by a massacred mannequin, thus rendering the incendiary conclusion defunct.


If WWE are going to continue their theme of fire and cleansing for Wyatt's 'Fiend', then they must make it look a bit less like a B-movie (you may be spotting a recurring trend). Being honest, they should avoid another go-round for this angle full stop.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.