10 Disgusting Wrestling Bumps They Should Have BANNED

8. Rey Mysterio Gets Splatted By The Big Show

Darby Allin

Seeing a smaller performer get launched around a wrestling ring like an empty tracksuit will always be a strangely captivating experience.

However, there's watching a puny wrestler getting gorilla pressed by a giant, and then there's the absolute horror that went down on the night of Backlash 2003.

In the wake of getting the better of the iconic Rey Mysterio, the Big Show suddenly decided he wasn't finished with the masked underdog. And it was after an already quite dreadful chokeslam landing for 'Rey-Rey' when something even more barbaric occurred.

With Mysterio being attached to a stretcher by ENTs, Show opted to transform the lunchador into a human baseball bat, swinging him at the ring-post with frightening ease.

Had someone been wise enough to realise Rey probably needed his hands to break his terrible fall here, the subsequent drop to the outside wouldn't have left you looking for a bucket to chuck up into.

Instead, Mysterio's arms were well and truly tied down, resulting in an appalling face-first collision with the ground that just doesn't get any easier to watch some twenty years later.

Sure enough, the biggest little man in WWE history ended up in hospital the next day thanks to an unnecessarily brutal bump that could have been easily avoided with a little foresight.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...