10 Disgusting Wrestling Bumps They Should Have BANNED

6. Darby Allin Is Launched Onto The Steps

Darby Allin

In the space of just four routinely batsh** years as an All Elite star, this face-painted nutter has crashed down from the heavens off a ladder through some steel chairs, been sent flying down some concrete stairs, and regularly smashed himself through coffins.

And while all of those career-shortening spots likely shouldn't be repeated by any wrestler who'd like to be able to walk in their 40s, the worst was still yet to come.

Whilst clashing in a Two-Out-Of-Three Falls match with the diabolical Christian Cage at this year's inaugural WrestleDream PPV, Darby Allin first found himself being dumped out of the ring and onto the bottom of some steel steps at ringside.

This was merely the beginning of the end of Darby's back, though.

Seconds later, Cage had once again suplexed his TNT Championship rival into the jagged steps, this time ensuring his spine was unquestionably pulverised.

Not done there, the sick turtleneck-wearing bastard then delivered one more powerslam to the steps, with the distressing violence on show making you question whether what you watching was even professional wrestling anymore.

Sure, the vicious spot made Cage feel like the worst human alive. But was it really worth almost breaking a Pillar in two to do so?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...