10 Times Wrestlers Totally WASTED Awesome Moves

8. Blue Thunder Bomb - Konosuke Takeshita

Toni Storm Jamie Hayter DoN

Is there a more impressive move out there that regularly doesn't lead to the end of a contest than the majestic Blue Thunder Bomb?

And joining the likes of Sami Zayn as a performer who doesn't exactly boast a long list of victories scored after nailing someone with the beautiful spinning powerbomb is All Elite powerhouse Konosuke Takeshita.

While Zayn's version of the devastating signature has at least picked up the odd 'W' here and there, Takeshita hardly ever has his arm raised after unleashing arguably the best executed piece of Blue Thunder in the game.

The way the terrifying Don Callis Family member generates frightening speed through his rotation before absolutely crushing his opponent into the mat with a horrifying thud is art.

But it's art that typically earns him a jaw-dropping 2.9999 at best.

Even his deadly top-rope Blue Thunder storm to Kenny Omega at All Out 2023 wasn't enough to secure victory on that night.

A few dreadful Zahi knees to the skull brought home the win in the end, of course. But most would have accepted the most barbaric spinning power bomb in the business as the finish in that bout, and any other Takeshita contest.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...