10 Absolute Worst Matches From The NJPW G1 Climax 2018
6. Togi Makabe Vs. Bad Luck Fale (30 July)
Rating: *
A one-two punch with sh*t on both hands from Bad Luck Fale, his match with Togi Makabe was only marginally better than a Jay White snoozer (more on that later) thanks to the babyface/heel alignments allowing for a semblance of traditional pro wrestling chemistry.
Yet again the referee was used and abused by the 'BC OG's, but Makabe's lack of fiery fightback (and friends to help his cause) only made the various nefarious deeds look rather meaningless. The result had a similar lack of heft - two more points can't help Fale at this point, but Togi has now been dumped from the entire tournament as a result.