10 AEW Wrestlers Already Dreaming Of WWE

6. Swerve Strickland

Andrade El Idolo WWE

It remains to be seen if Hit Row's second go-around in WWE will prove to be a winner, but Top Dolla and Ashante 'Thee' Adonis have a real shot at becoming key members of the tag division. Meanwhile, maybe B-FAB can spin off and develop her own skills in the women's ranks.

Long story short, the dude on the outside looking in is old stable centrepiece Swerve Strickland. He should be leading Hit Row on SmackDown every week; sure, Swerve bagged an AEW Tag Title run alongside Keith Lee, but that was always going to be short-lived stuff.

Now, there are zero guarantees he'll experience standalone success.

Could Strickland have one beady eye on what his buddies are doing over on the WWE side? That'd make perfect sense. Swerve might also be wondering what a SmackDown return would be like for him one day. Assuming Hit Row sticks around, of course.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.