10 AEW Wrestlers To Jump Ship RIGHT NOW

9. Powerhouse Hobbs


Big meaty muscle man Powerhouse Hobbs excelled in a strong showing vs. Jon Moxley for the IWGP Heavyweight Title on an episode of Dynamite in April. No prizes for guessing what happened next. Ready? Hobbs was shunted to the background so AEW's "dream match" factory could continue pumping out orders.

This just isn't good enough.

Powerhouse isn't the only eh...powerhouse to suffer this start/stop style of booking. It's become an All Elite way of life, and that has to suck for younger wrestlers still finding their way like Hobbs. How on earth can he improve and connect with fans if Khan keeps chopping and changing all of the time?!

Take a look over to Raw and watch how WWE develops Bron Breakker. It's a patient approach, one that doesn't try to run before it can walk. Granted, Breakker is a generational talent, but Powerhouse Hobbs is capable of doing much more than he's allowed to whenever he's sporadically booked on AEW TV.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.