10 All-Time Craziest Wrestling Match Stipulations

10. Inferno Match

Wwe Inferno Match After The Undertaker dealt Kane his first loss at WrestleMania XIV, the Phenom's younger brother came back for more. At Unforgiven the following month, a rematch was signed -- and for the first time in WWE, the winner would be the man who could set his opponent on fire. To be fair, the Inferno Match concept fit the storyline (Kane had been wounded and presumed dead in a fire The Undertaker set when they were children), and if nothing else, made for an interesting visual. Though there have only been four Inferno Matches in WWE history (not including the Kane-Bray Wyatt "Ring of Fire" match at SummerSlam 2013), they left enough of an impact that they were immortalized in video games and are still spoken about in hushed tones. None of that changes how crazy the match concept is, though. Wrestlers aren't stuntmen, and competing in a ring where flames shoot up from under the ropes is not something they teach you about in wrestling school. In the first appearance of the stipulation, 'Taker threw Kane's leg on the flames, winning the match. Kane would lose subsequent Inferno Matches to The Undertaker (again) and Triple H before finally reversing his fortunes against MVP.
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013