10 Alternative Views On Wrestling's Biggest Scandals

1. Steroid Scandal Forced WWF To Adapt

1992 brought about a massive change in the WWF. Previously, Vince McMahon had promoted muscle-bound beasts like Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior as his top stars. Having a huge body was deemed necessary to make it to the top in the company, because McMahon was fascinated with the idea of larger-than-life 'WWF Superstars'. '92 changed all of that. The United States government began investigating McMahon, the WWF and some of his wrestlers. The situation became known simply as the 'steroid scandal', and McMahon faced a lengthy prison sentence if he was found guilty of helping his performers acquire performance-enhancing drugs. Looking to distance himself from the idea of steroids, Vince decided to take his product in a mcuh different direction. Suddenly, smaller workers like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were featured more prominently. Hulk Hogan and Warrior disappeared from screens temporarily, and there was much more emphasis on actual wrestling ability rather than muscle mass. The scandal could have ended up killing the WWF juggernaut outright, but it actually forced McMahon to adapt and embrace a new kind of performer at the top of his cards. What other big wrestling scandals can you think of? Do you agree with the alternative points raised on this list? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.