10 Alternative Views On Wrestling's Biggest Scandals

10. Continuing The Show After Owen Hart's Death Showed Commitment Of Talent

It would be foolish to try and claim a positive after Over The Edge 1999 - the wrestling world simply wasn't feeling that way. During the pay-per-view, Owen Hart fell from the rafters of the arena and tragically passed away on the way to the hospital. Paramedics could do nothing to prevent Hart's death, as the trauma from the fall was simply too great. The wrestling world had lost one of its most beloved performers. People have debated what happened next ever since. Instead of cancelling the rest of the event, Vince McMahon made the decision that it would continue. His performing staff must have been distraught, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The next match out after the Owen incident involved Mick Foley, who teamed with the rest of The Union to face The Corporate Ministry. As he explained in his first book, Foley's head was all over the place. At that point, it wasn't quite clear whether or not Owen would survive. However, by the time Steve Austin and The Undertaker went out for the main event, news had spread that Hart had passed. Whether people agree with McMahon's decision or not, it showed an awful lot of commitment to the WWF cause for wrestlers to get their heads together long enough to perform.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.