10 Amazing Experiences I Had During WWE's SummerSlam Weekend

1. Some Huge Raw Returns

 As post-PPV Raws go, the one which followed SummerSlam was pretty good. While it would have been nice to see Brock Lesnar do more than just take out Bo Dallas, two notable returns made it a night to remember. Seeing The Dudley Boyz and Sting make surprise appearances was unexpected to say the least, and both set up some huge matches for Night of Champions. While nothing happened after the cameras stopped rolling, Vince McMahon's impromptu birthday celebration was a nice moment, especially with Linda McMahon and her grandkids at ringside. Jon Stewart showing up and Ric Flair's surprise appearance were also bonuses, and this Raw was a perfect way to wrap up the weekend. My only complaint? If fans really want the Divas Revolution to happen, chanting "Boring", starting a Mexican wave, and claiming "We Are Awesome" during the night's only Divas match isn't the way to go. That was anything but awesome, and sends the wrong message to those backstage who are no doubt not quite as on board with Triple H and Stephanie's vision. At least we'll always have NXT...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.