6. The Eddie Gilbert Interview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8g19YbAcCY One of Terry Funks strengths is that he could effortlessly transition between shrieking violence and endearing cornpone, and it's the ladder that's on display here as he promotes a Texas Chain Match Massacre against Eddie Gilbert for ECW. You'd think he'd be yelling about how he was going to skin Hot Stuff alive to make a new saddle or whatever, but nope, horse jokes. After announcing that he's about to explain the rules of a Texas Chain Match Massacre to Gilbert, he turns to the back end of his beloved horse, Clyde, and starts talking. In a touch of genius, Clydes butt even gets an onscreen graphic identifying it as Eddie Gilbert. It's a one note joke, and the supposed death battle turns out to be your run-of-the-mill strap match, but Terrys commitment to it makes it work. It ends with Funk staring Gilbert in the face while making cartoon faces and complaining about his bad breath. Funkism: "Oh, my goodness, hot stuff. Whew."