10 Amazing WWE SummerSlam Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened

2. Goldberg vs. The Rock - SummerSlam 2003

In 2003 the WWE had major plans for the long awaited WWE debut of Goldberg. Originally Goldberg was set to embark on a long term feud with The Rock leading to a trio of matches, the last of which was scheduled to take place at SummerSlam. However from the offset the entire Goldberg/Rock feud proved problematic. Their first match was meant to take place at WrestleMania 19, but as Goldberg signed with the WWE late the match was postponed until Backlash. Shortly after their first encounter The Rock then departed the WWE to continue his career in Hollywood leaving the SummerSlam plans redundant. As such the WWE decided to focus its SummerSlam schedule around a new feud between Goldberg and Triple H over the coveted World Heavyweight Championship. While this rivalry proved to be more about Triple H and Evolution, it was a decent attempt on the part of the WWE to replace its original SummerSlam plans with a respectable alternative. Of course had The Rock remained an active wrestler throughout 2003, then the WWE Universe might have witnessed one of the greatest wrestling rivalries in all of sports entertainment. Instead fans were left with an underwhelming Backlash match and many months in which the WWE tried and ultimately failed to push Goldberg in a WWE product.

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