10 Amazing Wrestlers WWE Fans Will NEVER Love

These incredible workers will never get the credit they deserve from EVERY WWE fan.

Logan Paul Shocked
WWE/BT Sport

Pretty much every member of WWE's fanbase gets all doe-eyed and protective when legends like Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Trish Stratus get brought up. That's even true of more modern names like Sami Zayn, Becky Lynch and he-who-came-back-from-the-brink Roman Reigns.

Meanwhile, nobody is going to bat for Baron Corbin.

It's a strange thing, but there are just some wrestlers past and present that WWE fans will never love. They might receive a compliment here or there, sure (that match was good, that angle worked a treat etc etc), but generally? Yeah, most folks seem to ignore these men and women when talking about the best, or screw up their faces when they're merely brought up mid-conversation.

This is a shame, because they were all amazing in their own ways. Obviously, this list is very subjective - the guy writing it has simply noticed that there's an almost-automatic rejection of anything positive these folks have contributed to WWE's on-screen product.

Naturally, the company's own presentation and/or rewriting of history doesn't help sometimes. These fab talents may never get the credit they deserve for in-ring skill or blistering character work...

10. Marty Jannetty

Logan Paul Shocked

This is a logical starting point.

Marty Jannetty is the prototypical "other guy". Christ, wrestling pushed him to the side in favour of golden boy Shawn Michaels so hard that tag partners who don't go on to become World Champs are referred to as "the Marty Jannetty of the team". That's cold.

Here's the deal: Marty was one hell of a worker in his own right. There's a reason why the then-WWF brought him back time and time again. They knew he could deliver solid matches in his sleep, and quietly hoped that Jannetty would blow up like HBK did by becoming a top singles star.

It'd never happen for a variety of reasons. Personal demons are often cited as the main one, which is fair, but Marty had already been typecast over the years as good in tags but not on his own. He'll probably never get the credit his own in-ring work richly deserves - and the looming Dark Side of the Ring special likely won't alter that...

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Logan Paul
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.