10 Amazing Wrestling Moves You'll NEVER See Again
7. The PowerPlex

Not the FTR suplex/splash that Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler use on a regular basis, though that's the best approximation of the Power & Glory classic in the game today.
No, the PowerPlex in its original form; one of the most beloved doubles finishers in wrestling history because of the synergy between the two men and both moves being relative to what they offered to the team. As "Power", the massive Hercules had no problem hauling foes off the top with a superplex, and Paul Roma's top rope splash looked even more impressive when he started his ascent with two men already in the air.
The dual motion adds to the devastation, but there's presumably a not-insignificant amount of risk attached as well. It's this that places the original above any current or prior imitation - never has the danger element been replicated. That's not necessarily the worst thing, but it might do away with the "Herc & Jerk" version ever getting a second wind.