10 Amazing Wrestling Villains Hidden In Plain Sight

6. MJF Doesn't Shy Away From Being A Massive D*ck As Cody Rhodes' Mate

MJF Cody
Scott Lesh

He's better at fooling you into thinking he's your pal, and you know it.

Despite establishing pretty early into his time in AEW that he definitely wasn't a bloke to be trusted, regularly proving himself to be quite the a-hole when left alone with the likes of the Elite, Frankie Kazarian, and Brandi Rhodes, the fact MJF opted to take out the Inner Circle when offered the chance to take down Cody Rhodes on Dynamite back in October 2019 suggested there was still light in this w*nker.

In the weeks that came before Full Gear, Maxwell Jacob Friedman regularly backed up his apparent best mate, too, convincing both Cody and folks all around the world that he could be relied on to support the 'American Nightmare' in the biggest match of his career.

But this was all part of the plan to finally bring down a "mentor" he classed as a "user and abuser" who was trying to turn Maxwell into his own personal puppet.

In the end, the 'Salt of the Earth' cost Cody his chance to ever challenge for the AEW World Championship again under the guise of trying to protect Rhodes from being snapped in half by Chris Jericho via white towel, sealing the villainous switch with a despicable boot to the Nightmare Factory.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...