10 Amazing Wrestling Villains Hidden In Plain Sight

4. Trish Stratus Smiles Through The Disrespect

MJF Cody

While it may sometimes feel like Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus have been warring for an eternity at this point, the pair did very much appear to be on the same page on the Road to WrestleMania 39.

In fact, the WWE Hall of Famer was even on hand to help Lynch and Lita win tag gold back in February.

But a closer look at those celebrations, and much of the time the trio spent on-screen in the aftermath, eventually told the story of a veteran who felt entirely disrespected by 'The Man' in particular.

Whenever Lynch and fellow tag-champ Lita were spotted lifting their belts up high, Stratus was never too far away, grinning through the pain of never being thanked by the WrestleMania main eventer for paving the way.

Stratus simply wanted to keep an enemy who claimed that the women's revolution started with the Four Horsewomen close.

And so she spent the next few months acting as a sidekick of sorts, waiting for the right moment to strike Lynch at her weakest.

That moment finally came after taking out Lita before the pair's title defence on Raw back in April, with Stratus then spending the subsequent months having the time of her life demanding both fans and her Irish nemesis to thank her for being, in her obnoxious words, "the single most important figure in the history of WWE."

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...