10 Amazing WWE WrestleMania Pitches That Never Happened

8. Chris Jericho Vs Kevin Owens For The Universal Championship - WrestleMania 33

John Cena Jay-Z

The Universal Championship match at WrestleMania 33 between Brock Lesnar and Goldberg was a simple, brutal beatdown. Frankly, it over delivered considering that very few people were interested in it - especially because of what it seemed like WWE had originally been heading for.

The year’s biggest story was the friendship of Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens and it’s heart-breaking dissolution. With months of the pair getting over as self-serving heels, Owens turning on Jericho set them up for one hell of a grudge match. After all, Owens had been given the Universal Championship to hold and perhaps whilst it wasn’t WWE’s intentions, a great thing had landed in their lap.

Infamously, instead the pair fought over the much-lesser United States title in the second match of the night.

On Busted Open Radio in 2019, Jericho expressed his frustrations:

"To be on second, with this angle that we had, when it was designated at first, I was told by Vince, 'You're gonna win the World Title from Kevin Owens in the main event of WrestleMania.' Three days later he changed it to Brock vs. Goldberg and didn't tell me."

Additionally, Vince apparently told Jericho that it was the “worst match in WrestleMania history” which is a clear exaggeration. For example, the absolute malaise of Undertaker vs Roman Reigns was on the very same night so how does that work?


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.