So there have been good matches in WWE history. There have been bad matches in WWE history. Then there have been those matches so mind-numbingly abysmal that they've passed beyond the realm of serious critical acclaim and into the nether regions of comedy. Slapstick comedy, literally: comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events has been a staple of films, stage shows and even street entertainers of middle-age Paris in centuries gone by. It is a physical comedy, often involving tripping, falling, custard tarts, being dowsed in slime or gunk and falling into big pools of water, a la Total Wipeout or Takeshi's Castle. It is easy, therefore, considering the physical nature of muscled up folk, covered in baby oil, wrestling in tights, to see how a match could slip into slapstick should suspension of disbelief be broken. Sometimes WWE will deliberately go out of their way to generate this kind of comedy. Vince McMahon getting his face shoved up The Big Show's ass comes immediately to mind. It's a totally different kettle of fish, however, when a match not intended to venture into such realms (at least in part) ends up doing exactly that. This article takes a look at 10 such matches. Matches so ridiculously bad that all serious expectation was done away with and the only option left was to laugh. Those not meant to be funny that were. These are the ones so dreadful... they weren't.
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