10 Awesome (But Short-Lived) WWE Theme Songs
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...

Good entrance music: it's what separates the top guys from the jobbers. It can create legends, or it can turn talents into laughing stocks.
Of course, whether or not entrance music is "good" depends on a few factors. The first is longevity; the longer somebody uses a song as their theme music, the more fondly people will remember it, no matter how "good" it actually was. Objectively, "Sexy Boy" is kind of a s**t song, isn't it?
The second, naturally, is composition. Legendary former WWE composer Jim Johnston was an expert at composing music that fit each character, for better or worse. CFO$ can also be quite effective at this, but in many cases their themes sound a bit homogeneous, bland, or both.
No matter who the composer is, they must get frustrated whenever one of their compositions is swiftly replaced or re-worked. It not only means that they have to compose more music, but it also means that their efforts were for naught. And God forbid they compose something for somebody, only to have them get released soon after. Might as well throw your composition in the trash at that point.
This is not to say that the entrance themes that don't last, for whatever reason, are all bad. As a matter of fact, many of these short-lived themes are what some might call "hidden gems". Let's have a listen to a few...
10. Evolve (Evolution)
Before they used their now-iconic theme by Motörhead, Evolution used what was basically an instrumental version of the same song in a lower key. And frankly, it kicks almost as much a** as the Lemmy version.
In general, this is a near-perfect symphony to accompany a stable fronted by Triple H, often regarded as one of WWE's most detestable heels of all time. It's one of those rare cases where the song fits everyone in the stable like a glove - it has the slow, swaggering nature of Ric Flair, the confidence of a young Randy Orton, and the imposing heaviness of Batista. But there is something rather satisfying about this key in particular; the darker, deeper tones evoke heightened feelings of disdain for the villainous foursome. When this song rings through the arena, it leaves no doubt in the fans' minds that some bad, bad dudes are about to make their collective way to the ring.
Of course, this version of their theme was akin to a free trial one uses before the more improved final version, but it's still quite good nonetheless.