10 Awesome Moments From The WWE Invasion

1. The Old Stone Cold

Stone Cold Steve Austin had a weird 2001.

The fans should have seen the red flags which predated his 2002 walk out, but something seemed to disconnect with Austin and the company. His late 2000 return fell flat, his heel turn at WrestleMania X7 even flatter, and turning him into the figurehead for the enemy fell flatter than the world's thinnest pancake.

Humorous at times when fighting Angle for Vince's affections, Stone Cold seemed miscast as the WCW/ECW leader and the coining of the 'WHAT?' catchphrase and subsequent chant should be held against him as a crime against wrestling.

But for one glorious night, on Monday 16th July, the WWE managed to turn back time and give us 'The Old Stone Cold'. Holed up in a bar and refusing to fight, Vince begged Austin to fight for the company. As the Alliance grew more and more dominant throughout the night we saw Austin leave, heading back to join the war.

In main event, as a brawl broke out throughout the arena with the Alliance getting the upper hand, Stone Cold arrived and tore his way through everyone in the back. The anticipation is amazing and when the glass shatters, the pop sends shivers down spines everywhere. JR calls it like a pro and Stone Cold raises hell like no other, hitting everything that moves with a stunner.

It's the greatest moment of a poorly executed storyline and it's so good, you need to watch it right now.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!