10 Awesome Spots From Tag Team Ladder Match At WWE TLC 2015

5. Kalisto€™s Head Scissors

When Kofi Kingston set up a ladder horizontally through the rungs of another, you knew that this was going to end badly for someone; and that someone would turn out to be Kofi himself. He did of course try to send Kalisto hurtling head first into the ladder, but the nimble rookie managed to duck out of the way of danger before nailing Kofi with a kick to the head. He then leapt onto the horizontal ladder and pulled out a diving head scissors onto a groggy Kofi, causing the Tag Team champion to fall headfirst into the very trap he€™d earlier constructed. Kofi did an excellent job of selling, drawing an arena full of cries from the Boston crowd. Either that or he legit cracked his head off the side of the ladder. I€™m hoping it was the former.

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