10 Awesome Wrestling Moves WWE Stars Aren't Allowed To Do
7. Pepsi Plunge
CM Punk employed the Pepsi Plunge with regularity during his time with ROH, but he was never given the green-light to pull it out inside a WWE ring.
Online, some have speculated that this was the doing of Triple H - whose ego, the theory went, couldn't bear the idea of someone stealing his thunder by performing what is essentially a Super-Pedigree - but this seems too cartoon-like to be true.
In reality, it's probably just a little too dangerous - for both the person on the end of the move and the one whose knees are bouncing harshly off the canvas (knee-pads or not).
Even 'The Game' himself has had to modify his Pedigree over recent years so that the recipient's arms aren't so helplessly hooked behind their backs, so you can't claim really claim anyone is getting preferential treatment here.