10 Awesome WWE Gimmicks That Were Dropped Way Too Soon

1. Straight Edge Society

The Straight Edge Society led by CM Punk was exactly the kind of stable that could have lasted for years and had multiple members be a part of it, but instead it never became what it should have been. They started together on November 27, 2009 and it ended on September 3, 2010. Too soon. When CM Punk went heel in the summer of 2009, he took things up a notch as a terrific all around that could have great matches, deliver memorable promos and always leave the fans wanting more. He was not the kind of heel that was a smartass that the fans laughed at because he made jokes. He was old school in that all he cared about was only getting booed. They did a great job of adding members to the group. They were people that pledged to never drink or do drugs. This was after they had problems in their lives. Punk showed them the right path. Luke Gallows used to be Festus, but in the story they said he was drugged and now he was a normal guy. Serena Deeb shaved her head to prove her loyalty. She also got called up from developmental because of this angle. Joey Mercury was a part of the group at the end too. He actually did have drug problems in his career and he cleaned up his life. On CM Punk's DVD, he told a great story about Punk helping him a lot when he needed it. Why did it end? Because WWE management probably didn't understand the significance of it or why "straight edge" is such a big deal to Punk. Apparently Serena got fired because she wasn't "living the gimmick" although that seems a bit farfetched of a reason to just kill a stable. Do all wrestlers live their gimmick? The Undertaker sure isn't working at a funeral home. They really could have done a lot with the group and had midcarders join it to give them a new lease on their career, so to speak. Others could have feuded with them. If you saw the Straight Edge Society you know they were amazing at drawing heel heat. It's a shame that their run didn't last longer.
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CM Punk
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.