10 Awesome WWE Mark Out Moments
Times when WWE managed to get even the most cynical fan off their seat.
The introduction of the Internet to the world of professional wrestling in the mid-1990s was both beneficial and detrimental to the industry as a whole. On the plus side, it gave companies like Vince McMahon's WWE and Ted Turner's WCW a new outlet to promote their products and a new audience to try and recruit fans from. They could further storylines via online-only stories, interact with fans via wrestler chats and sell more merchandise through their online store than they could ever hope to push on television. Sunny became the most downloaded woman on the Web in 1996, thanks to her strong presence on WWE's site, not to mention the fact that she was SMOKING hot. It was a great new resource for the company and one that McMahon's company took full advantage of early in the days of America Online. At the same time, it changed the industry forever, and not necessarily for the better. The Internet gave industry insiders a platform to expose the secrets that had been guarded for decades. Sure, writers of the so-called "dirt sheets" such as Dave Meltzer and Wade Keller had been breaking news that those working in the industry did not want getting out. Rumors and spoilers flowed freely, giving fans a preview of the events that would unfold in the weeks and months to come. Those same fans became smart to the business, learning inside terms and all of the backstage gossip possible, thanks to the limitless free "news" sites at their disposal. The innocence of the sports-entertainment industry was gone and "smart marks" suddenly made up a very vocal portion of the audience. That does not mean that McMahon and his company have failed to make even the smartest fan or the biggest cynic mark out over the years. On the contrary. WWE has delivered numerous moments throughout their long and illustrious 50 years that have elicited some of the loudest and most organic responses in the history of the industry. They are moments that either changed the course of the company forever or signaled the end of a previous era and the ignition of a new one. They featured beloved Superstars seizing opportunity and climbing to the top of the industry. Whatever the case may be, they had smart and casual fans alike jumping for joy. These are 10 magical WWE mark out moments, ranked in no particular order.