10 Awful Injuries Which Led To Amazing WWE Matches

4. Bray Wyatt's Misery Is Our Gain - TLC 2017


TLC 2017 was supposed to feature The Demon Finn Bálor vs. Bray Wyatt. Due to an undisclosed medical issue, which was serious enough to keep Wyatt off TV, what we got instead was an unexpected delight of a match between two of the best in the world.

Despite being on different rosters at the time (Bálor on RAW, Styles on SmackDown,) someone in WWE Creative made a damn fine decision and asked Styles to fly back from a South American tour to take on Bálor.

While the logic of two wrestlers on different brands and no-build up makes no sense, quite frankly, no one cared. It was an opportunity to see two fantastic wrestlers who had never squared off finally do so.

And they didn't disappoint.

Was it a five-star classic? No. Was it a high-flying, hard-hitting match between two amazing workers who hit their classic moves and thrilled the fans? Yes. To be honest, it was no doubt a far better match than Bálor and Wyatt would have been.

To cap off the match, Bálor and Styles, who had both been leaders of the Bullet Club pre-WWE, exchanged the 'Too Sweet' hand gesture as a show of respect.

And to get a fantastic pop.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.