10 Awful Wrestling Commentary Calls That Took Away From The Moment

2. Anal Bleeding (RAW 26/09/11)

Michael Cole

Vince McMahon has a strange sense of humour. Things that seem immature or confusing to many fans apparently tickle the boss’s ever erratic funny bone and, more often than not, we just have to sit there and accept it.

One constant trigger throughout the years has involved bodily functions or afflictions pertaining to the anus. We were subject to the abhorrent Dr Hiney, who poked fun at Jim Ross' serious health problems, and you could lose count of the amount of times that substances presented as faecal matter have been dumped on performers.

During an episode of RAW in 2011, Mark Henry put Jerry Lawler through a table, keeping him off TV for a short time.

In a sombre tone usually reserved for the most serious of announcements, Michael Cole gave fans an update on Lawler’s condition stating:

“..We understand that Jerry Lawler has bruised ribs and with all due respect, he is also suffering from anal bleeding.”

Dave Meltzer has since claimed that the anal bleeding “joke” was the brain child of McMahon and Kevin Dunn, and the two nearly died from laughing when it was mentioned. To quote Booker T from the same segment, all you can say is “What?...Wow.”


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!