10 Awkward WWE Auditions

3. Triple H Asks Sonya Deville An Awkward Question

Sonya Deville

"Are you in a relationship?".

That's what Triple H asked a bemused Sonya Deville during her own tryout for Tough Enough in 2015. There was an awkward pause before the future Raw and SmackDown authority figure answered - was Trips hitting on her publicly? Was this a trick question? Did WWE expect her to launch into a promo about some make-believe partner?

None of the above. 'The Game' was simply trying to gauge Deville's dedication to the pro wrestling industry by asking if she had any personal commitments that might make the touring schedule too tough on her. Yeah, it took a while for Sonya to realise that's all the guy meant.

Deville also didn't feel too comfortable revealing that she was gay back then either. This is a horrendous commentary on life seven years ago, but Sonya was worried that her sexuality would be used against her or prevent her from making a splash in WWE.

That wasn't the case, thankfully.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.