10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Wrestling Characters' Quirks

4. Wardlow's Powerbombs Were A Joke Suggestion From Jericho

John Cena Roman Reigns

Ever wondered where Wardlow got the insane-yet-inspired idea of smashing his opponent into the mat with multiple earth-shaking powerbombs from?

Well, according to Mr. Mayhem himself, what would eventually become his trademark Powerbomb Symphony actually started out as a throwaway comment from AEW locker room leader Chris Jericho.

After comparing the concept of MJF's then-right-hand-man pancaking his adversaries into the canvas with numerous powerbombs to the sight of Brock Lesnar taking his prey to Suplex City, Wardlow quickly assumed Le Champion may have just been ribbing him ever so slightly with this outrageous suggestion.

But never one to back down from a challenge, the former TNT Champion went all in on his new repeated powerbomb finishing sequence and fans soon responded to the visual of the freakishly athletic and strong sensation executing such a mesmerising feat with apparent ease.

Regardless of whether it was initially just Jericho's way of teasing the colossal babyface or not, Wardlow fully embraced the bold idea. And said crowd-friendly conducting in the lead-up to his now-famous multiple painful trips back down to the mat would soon go on to become one of the most popular features of Wardlow's World.

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John Cena
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...