10 Behind The Scenes Stories From WWE King Of The Ring 1998

7. The Original Plan Was Mankind Vs. Steve Austin

Dude Love Steve Austin

That legendary Hell In A Cell match between The Undertaker and Mankind may be the show's legacy, but it almost never happened at all. As shocking as it is, the hard-hitting bump-fest wasn't the original plan when creative sat down to write King Of The Ring '98's format.

A blowoff Cell match between Mankind and Steve Austin was supposed to be the headliner instead.

Mick Foley and Austin had already worked together at both Unforgiven and Over The Edge in April and May, and it struck Vince McMahon that fans might not buy a third rematch at KOTR. At the 11th hour, McMahon decided to scrap Mankind vs. Austin, pivot to Kane's challenge for the WWF Title instead and put Foley up against 'Taker.

When Vince Russo then caught wind of Foley planning his match without the Cell, he was the one who told Mick that his match would still use the structure. Meanwhile, Kane and Austin would work a "First Blood" stipulation.

That worried Foley.


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