10 Best Anti-American WWE Heels Ever

2. Bret Hart And The Hart Foundation

When Bret Hart completed his heel turn post WrestleMania 13 in 1997 he started to do some of the best work of his career. Hart rallied the troops so to speak by bringing his brother Owen Hart, brothers-in-law Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart and family friend Brian Pillman together as a powerful group using the Hart Foundation. The group was booked in one of the most unique ways ever because they were heels in America because Hart claimed that American fans didn't respect him while they cheered for jerks like Steve Austin. In other parts of the world they were cheered. That was a year where WWE booked a number of shows in Canada that summer, so there were several instances on Raw where the group was cheered. Their biggest moment getting cheered was the Canadian Stampede PPV in Calgary. That was one of the loudest crowds ever. Hart did some amazing heel promos in the US, including ripping on the fans in Pittsburgh and saying if you could stick an enema anywhere in America it would be right there. Hart ended up winning the WWE Title at SummerSlam 1997 in New Jersey and he rubbed it in the faces of the American people. The angle felt real in a lot of ways because Hart was such a beloved figure that was loved by fans all over, so when he was out there insulting the American people he became a massive heel because of it. All wrestlers dream of getting the kind of heat that this group got. The booking of that angle was brilliant. As a Canadian myself, this is one of my favorite anti-American heel groups or factions period. They were awesome. The only negative thing about it is that they only stayed together for about eight months because that's when Bret left WWE. If they did this angle for a year or two years it really could have been special.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.