10 Best Brock Lesnar Matches From WWE's Ruthless Aggression Era

7. Vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XIX

kurt angle brock lesnar wrestlemania 19

At WrestleMana XIX, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle wrestled in one of the best technical wrestling main events in 'Mania history.

It is often overshadowed due to the botched ending in which Lesnar nearly broke his neck with a fluffed shooting star press. But it deserves remembering for more than that; Lesnar was still able to win the title and cap off a very good twenty minute performance. It had a bit of everything: suplexes, submissions, brawling, and even the ill advised high flying. Both men were legit top athletes and they brought that intense mentality to the match.

Lesnar ended the night as WWE Champion, and it deserves recognition as arguably his top WWE moment. However, WWE history never really goes back to the match too often, likely due to Angles role.

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Brock Lesnar
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